Monday, 2 January 2012

I'm back ... part 2!

I've spent the last 2 days giving my blog a complete make over and I'm starting the new year as I mean to go on ... on the couch watching soaps! Only joking, I'm going to blog, blog and blog some more, after all, I do enough interesting things so I may as well share them.

I hope you enjoy reading my diary, I will be telling you about some of the creative things that I do, including my baking, and also about some of the things that I do in my leisure time. My husband works for AGA Rangemaster so you will see some links on my blog to various AGA websites, including a blog that David writes about Point-to-Point racing.

You will also see Farmers Fayre mentioned quite a lot - this is where I work, and I will write about some of the events that take place there. We had a 3 oven electric AGA installed at Farmers Fayre just before Christmas so we will be cooking some delicious AGA meals for our customers.