I expect to be baking in the next couple of days so I will have some recipes to share, I haven't decided what to bake yet but I can guarantee that it will be very tasty. I made a simple tea tonight of plaice, peas and potatoes, the potatoes were fresh out of the ground and let me tell you they were delicious! As it was a nice evening we were able to eat outside again which was a bonus, I have a feeling that will be the last time this week though as the weather looks quite unsettled for the rest of the week.
We are having a quick trip to David's home town of Durham City at the weekend for the 127th Durham Miners' Gala (also known as The Durham Big Meeting), it's a wonderful occasion, very colourful, and full of nostalgia - lets hope we get a nice day as we are really looking forward to it.
I've posted a link to a story about the Gala that appeared on the BBC website today, and also a couple of photos from the Gala in 2005 (which is the last one I went to).
Chilean miners will visit 127th Durham Miners' Gala
Me in front of the Trimdon Grange Colliery banner |
Cindy xx